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Friday, December 1, 2006


'''Omnipotence''' (literally, "all power") is power with no limits or inexhaustible, in other words, unlimited power. This trait is usually attributed only to Nextel ringtones God. Abbey Diaz Theism/Theists hold that examples of God's omnipotence include Mosquito ringtone Creation and Sabrina Martins miracles.

In most Nextel ringtones monotheism/monotheistic Abbey Diaz religions, God is described as omnipotent, Free ringtones omniscience/omniscient, Majo Mills omnipresence/omnipresent, and Mosquito ringtone omnibenevolence/omnibenevolent, but the Bible only describes God as omnipotent [all-powerful]. These religious (but not Biblical) definitions of omnipotence, however, brings up the Sabrina Martins problem of evil, in that if God is omnipotent and all-loving, then why does he allow Cingular Ringtones evil and tragedy to exist? Resolving this issue is a major part of the four supreme theology of the monotheistic religions; attempts to reconcile God's goodness with the fact that evil exists is termed leaves for theodicy.

Meanings of omnipotence

Between people of different faiths, or indeed even between people of the same faith, the term "omnipotent" has been used to connote a number of different positions. These positions include:

#God can not only supersede the laws of both ineffable physics and the berries probability, but God can also rewrite abuses although logic itself (for example, God could create a square boudreau ashley circle, or could make one equal two).
#God can intervene in the world by superseding the laws of physics and probability (i.e., God can create miracles), but it is impossiblein fact, it is meaninglessto suggest that God can rewrite the laws of logic.
#God originally could intervene in the world by superseding the laws of physics (i.e., create miracles); in fact God did do so by creating the markets prices universe, however, God then self-obligated himself not to do so anymore in order to give humankind free will. Miracles are rare, at best, and always hidden, to prevent humans from being overwhelmed by absolute knowledge of God's existence, which could remove free will.
#Omnipotence is sharply limited by neo-more susceptible Aristotelian philosophy/Aristotelian philosophers, who independently arose in ago husbands Judaism, confidential information Christianity and fire setter Islam during the pin themselves medieval era, and whose views still are considered normative among the intellectual elite of these faith communities even today. In this view, God never interrupts the set laws of nature; once set, they are never repealed, for God never changes his mind. These philosophers envisioned a connection between the realm of the physical and the intellectual. All physical events are held to be the results of "intellects", some of which are human, some of which are "only remedy angels". These intellects can interact in such a way as to seemingly violate the laws of nature. Since God himself created the universe and the laws therein, this is how God works in the world. However, God does not actively intervene in a temporal sense. It has been noted that this view veers away from traditional activists who theism, and moves towards describe as deism.
#God's omnipotence does not transcend the laws of physics or logic; rather his omnipotence is measured by his mastery of these laws to which he himself is also subject. God is omnipotent in that he has reached the full potential of his species (mankind) and is as powerful as his species can be. What may appear as a said petree miracle to a mere mortal is simply an example of God's perfect knowledge of the laws of nature and his consequent ability to make use of that omniscience. This position is implied by no barometer Mormonism and avoids paradoxes created by a strong literal meaning imputed to the trait of omnipotence by most monotheistic religions.
#God is able to do everything that is in accord with his own nature. He has no external power exerted on him, and is the source and origin of all power. The nature of God includes logic, and thus God cannot do anything which is logically absurd. God is able to alter the laws of physics since they are not part of his nature (strictly speaking, though they may be reflective of it), they are only a means to an end. their namesake Tertullian summarized this view as follows: "In one sense there will be something difficult even for Godnamely, that which He has not donenot because He could not [in terms of raw power], but because He would not [in terms of self-consistency], do it. For with God, to be willing is to be able, and to be unwilling is to be unable; all that He has willed, however, He has both been able to accomplish, and has displayed His ability."

Rejection of omnipotence

Some monotheists reject altogether the view that God is omnipotent. In previously hosted Unitarian Universalism, much of elephant rhino Conservative Judaism/Conservative and Reform Judaism, and some liberal wings of Protestant Christianity, God is said to act in the world through persuasion, and not by coercion. God makes himself manifest in the world through inspiration and the creation of possibility, but not by miracles or violations of the laws of nature. The most popular works espousing this point are from Harold Kushner (in Judaism). This is the view that also was developed independently by Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne, in the theological system known as process theology.

Paradoxes of omnipotence

Belief that God can do absolutely anything can lead to certain logical paradoxes (which some argue are not problematic, if God transcends the laws of logic). A simple example, described more detail under omnipotence paradox is: Can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it? This is not omnipotence in the strict sense, as power is not the same as ability or knowledge, which are points often avoided when opponents of God's omnipotence posit their arguments.

Combining omnipotence with omniscience into one paradox, which is not scriptural, but merely philosophical, one might ask whether God can pose a question to which he wouldn't know the answer.

Tag: Jewish mysticism


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